Pandemic Stories
Just Another Day Working At Pandemic-Era Disney World
Face shields, layoffs and reservations for the pool.
From 2020 to 2021 I worked in the resorts division of Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida. I was among the roughly 60% of the hourly workforce deemed “essential” and, therefore, dodged layoffs that impacted over 30,000 people.
I’m Going To (Pandemic-Era) Disney World
“Hey Zach! Thank you for coming to work!”
This statement, coming from that day’s leader (Disney-speak for manager), was usually punctuated with a “beep” from the hand-held thermometer and a triumphant reading of everyone’s temperature.
Let me be clear. My “leader” wasn’t excited that we were healthy.
They were excited that they didn’t have to send someone home for failing a temp check. If resorts were operating at a reduced capacity, Disney staffing was operating just above empty.
We needed all latex-gloved hands on deck.
The fact that our management thanked us for coming to work when, logically, we should have thanked them for retaining us when 28,000 were…